Meixner, Al and Alex - M'mm!  M'mm!  GUT!!!

The Al Meixner Trio featuring Al Meixner and Alex Meixner!

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Product Description  Click Here to Listen to Tracks      

Mr. Al Meixner has been making music his entire life. He has studied music in great detail and continues to produce the music. This CD features Al and Alex Meixner. Check out this CD today!

Track listing:

Track listing:

1. Servus, Gruetzi and Hallo
2. Picnic in the Woods Polka
3. Kazoo Waltz
4. Baritone King
5. Anton - Antonia
6. Trompeten Zauber
7. JoAnn's Dream
8. Ich bin a Lump
9. My Maria
10. Trumpet Echo Polka
11. Moskau Nacht
12. Haj Husicky Polka
13. M'mm! M'mm! GUT!!!
14. Just Another/Helena Polka
15. Hu La La Polka
16. La Paloma
17. Diggy Diggy
18. My 'Strument
19. Tanzboden
20. Bist Du Einsam
21. The Devil in Munich
22. Alpenmusik
Artist: Al Meixner Trio