Tower City Drive - Just Like Us - Old But New

Polish American Polkas with Tower City Drive!

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Product Description  Click Here to Listen to Tracks      

The Tower City Drive was a popular band from Cleveland, Ohio. Ed Potoniec led the Tower City Drive performing Polish American Polkas. Check out this CD with Tower City Drive!

Track listing:

1. Just like Us - Old but New
2. Forget Me Never
3. Daughter Polka
4. Ed and John's Oberek
5. Everything Old
6. Mamo Moja Mamo Waltz
7. Lil' Wally PolkaPolka Medley
8. There I Go
9. Spiewajmi Razem
10. Maggie's Polka
11. Young Man's Oberek
12. Polka On My Mind
13. University Inn Polka
14. When I Was a Boy Medley
Artist: Tower City Drive